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About us

Wind energy for Latvia's future

Our work facilitates Latvia’s transition to a sustainable energy system and contributes to the country’s economic growth.

LWEA is the voice of the wind industry in Latvia since 1998, actively promoting wind power as the answer to today’s energy challenges, providing substantial environmental and economic benefits. LWEA works towards raising public awareness and understanding of renewable energy sources, in particular wind energy, as well as works in close cooperation with the governmental institutions towards establishing an enabling and inclusive regulatory framework for renewable energy.

About us
Head tasks
Unleashing of <br />
Latvia's energy potential
Unleashing of
Latvia's energy potential
Enhance Latvia's great potential to become an exporting country of green energy
Public <br />
To promote public awareness and understanding of renewable energy sources, especially wind energy
Benefit for <br />
Latvian residents
Benefit for
Latvian residents
Ensure the activities and opportunities of Latvian companies, organizations and individuals in wind industry, so that the green resources of our country would benefit the residents of Latvia
Contribution to industry's regulatory framework
Contribution to industry's regulatory framework
Develop and communicate effective strategic policies and initiatives that influence the decision by policy makers in order to create stable regulatory framework for wind industry and overcome the obstacles preventing a swift deployment of wind energy
To advocate for the interests of our members
Attracting knowledge and technology
Attracting knowledge and technology
Attract investments and innovative technologies in the wind energy sector in Latvia
Promoting cooperation
Promoting cooperation
Encourage professional and mutually purposeful collaborations between the members of LWEA and other stakeholders in the wind sector, professionals and organizations, state and local government institutions.
First-hand information
First-hand information
Monitor and collect data as well as the development indicators and other facts characterizing the industry in Latvia, which would serve as a unified and authoritative source of wind energy information in Latvia
Mūsu darbs ir vērsts Vēja enerģijas asociācijas kā vienīgā autoritatīvā nozares virzītājspēka Latvijā nostiprināšanu
VEA kā kvalitatīva ieguldījuma sniedzējs valsts politikas un likumdošanas procesos
VEA kā kvalitatīvs resurss, uz kuru atsaukties plašsaziņas līdzekļiem un ieinteresētajām personām
Nodrošināt, ka VEA darbojas ciešā sadarbībā ar asociācijas biedriem un citām ieinteresētajām organizācijām
VEA kā profesionāls un atpazīstams zīmols
Our team
Toms Naburgs
Toms Naburgs Member of the Board & Managing Director
Katrina Duka-Gulbe
Katrina Duka-Gulbe Acting Executive Director
Lasma Livzeniece
Lasma Livzeniece Executive director (on leave)
Gatis Galvins
Gatis Galvins Council Chair
Renars Urbanovics
Renars Urbanovics Member of the Council
Juris Antuzs
Juris Antuzs Member of the Council
Arturs Nehajenko
Arturs Nehajenko Member of the Council
Baiba Lace
Baiba Lace Member of the Council
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