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Latvian Wind Energy Association in cooperation with the Danish Embassy in Latvia and business technology platform BiSMART will hold a hybrid conference dedicated to wind energy.

April 21, 2021
Vēja enerģijas asociācija

The transition to wider use of renewable energy is changing the global energy market. Wind energy is becoming more competitive compared to conventional energy resources. Latvia has committed to achieving ambitious energy and climate targets by 2030: increasing the share of renewable energy in the total energy portfolio to 50% and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 65% compared to 1991. Geographical location gives Latvia ample opportunities to use wind energy by attracting investments and creating new direct and indirect jobs.

However, in order to boost the potential of wind energy, Latvia needs significant investments, favourable policies and the adjustment of the regulatory environment. In this respect, a good example is Denmark, which is a global pioneer in the use of climate-friendly technologies and has proven that renewable energy is the key to future growth. It has been using onshore wind turbines since the 1970 ties, and the world’s first offshore wind farm was built in Denmark three decades ago. Today nearly half of the electricity produced in Denmark comes from wind energy. The world leading Danish wind energy sector which has evolved over decades, can serve as a source of inspiration for many countries, including Latvia.

How to follow Denmark’s example by maximising the benefits of wind energy and the potential to promote the production and use of wind energy in Latvia, the future of this alternative energy type in the Baltic Sea region, and other topics of concern in the context of wind energy will be addressed at the free of charge online conference “WINDWORKS. POWERING LATVIA’S ENERGY FUTURE” which will take place on 29 April 2021.

The event will bring together experienced foreign energy experts, industry leaders and policy makers to discuss the future of wind energy in Latvia. With this event, the organisers wish to mark the 100 years of the establishment diplomatic relations between Latvia and Denmark.

Andris Vanags, Head of the Latvian Wind Energy Association, points out: “The role of wind energy in the world is increasing. It is an opportunity for states to ensure electricity at a lower price, to promote sustainability and to energy independence. Latvia must also do everything to take advantage of the benefits provided by this energy resource. “WINDWORKS. POWERING LATVIA’S ENERGY FUTURE” is the first wind industry conference in Latvia, which will highlight the role of wind energy in boosting the country’s competitiveness, achieving climate and energy objectives. The event will provide the basis for further discussion on future technologies, such as the development of offshore wind parks in synergy with hydrogen production. The conference’s four powerful panel discussions on the different aspects of wind energy will address both Latvian and foreign audiences.”